__**[[chaoss:metrics|<< Back to CHAOSS Metrics Committee]]**__ ====== Formation Meeting Minutes 2017-04-18 ====== ===== Governance Document ===== * Update: * One goal of the governance document is to encourage participation from the entire open source ecosystem and especially other foundations and communities not hosted by the Linux Foundation. * The OSS Health Metrics group will be one part of a larger group that includes analytics software seeded by [[https://grimoirelab.github.io/|Grimoire Lab]] * The Governance document combines these efforts while giving each part-autonomy. * For the OSS Health Metrics group, an important aspect is to be technology agnostic and create metrics that can be implemented by anyone, including but not limited to Grimoire Lab. * The metrics specification, documentation, queries, and sample code would be licensed under MIT license. * Name of group is still not decided. ===== Metrics Conversation ===== * One concern for creating metrics is that they will be used inappropriately. * Metrics cannot apply to all communities because they are all unique. * Possible inappropriate use: thresholds for metrics to determine maturity from an incubation process * Metrics should not be used for comparing communities. * Metrics can provide a sense of changes within the community. * For example, is a community gaining momentum or is it growing? * We might not create metrics that are human centered * Using metrics to compare contributors and maintainers might not be in our value framework * No one knows what the right metrics are for any given purpose * We might determine portfolios of metrics used in combination to measure something we all care about * For example: * Momentum * Growth * The metrics can be combined to inform our understanding of the above, but for each community, we might choose a different combination of metrics. ===== Next steps ===== * We finalize the Governance document but don't wait for it. * We continue the conversation on the mailing list. * We open up the bi-weekly calls and post the information on the wiki page. * We propose a BoF session at the Open Source Summit North America 2017 in Los Angeles, CA - [[https://lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/oss-health-metrics/2017-April/000020.html|watch mailing list for draft]]. ===== On Call ===== (alphabetical by first name) * Georg Link * Kate Stewart * Kevin Lumbard * Matt Germonprez * Miju Han * Ray Paik * Sean Goggins