====== Scheduling nightmares ====== Tuesday, October 11, 2016 • 12:00 - 12:30 ---- ===== Abstract ===== I'll give an overview of the current status of SCHED_DEADLINE as well as mention various bugs, limitations and in-progress extentions to it. I will also talk about the direction we want to take it in and mention opportunities for future work. ===== Audience ===== Everyone who uses, wants to use or hack on SCHED_DEADLINE. That is everyone who has a periodic (hard or soft) realtime task or thinks they might have. ===== Biography ===== ====Peter Zijlstra, Intel Open Source Technology Center==== Peter is the co-maintainer of the Linux scheduler, perf events and locking infrastructure. He has worked on PREEMPT_RT and various parts of the kernel during the past 10 years. ---- Go to [[realtime:events:rt-summit2016:schedule|Real-Time Summit 2016 Schedule]]